Is Coaching For Me?
When you are looking to enrich your personal growth, to work through blocks and barriers, deciding if life coaching or therapy is the way to go is a question many have. There is a place for life coaching and therapy and both can be highly transformational.
A simple way to look at this is life coaching looks at the present and where you want to go in the future. Life coaches help a client develop goals, articulate desires and build a path for forward movement. When looking at blocks and habits that may be inhibiting growth, a life coach believes that the client holds all of the answers and a coach with help the client uncover those barriers.
Therapy has such a valuable place in terms of finding meaning from past events, healing from trauma and working through relationship stress. Licensed therapists can diagnose mental health illness and psychiatrists can prescribe medication.
When looking to get closer to a goal, dig deeper into who you are in this chapter of your life, set up healthy habits coupled with accountability and encouragement, life coaching can be very meaningful.
Both life coaching and therapy are most valuable when the client is ready and willing to do the work. The time frame for coaching varies client by client. At Raw Womanhood, meeting the client where they are at is important. A client is empowered to articulate what they desire to move forward in and what meeting schedule works for them. As goals are met the client can evaluate if they wish to continue being coached.
If you feel you have goals and desires that are lying stagnant and need a map to move you closer, coaching may be a great fit. Big life changes can force us to adapt to a new normal, uncovering who you are in this part of life can open up possibilities and new life.